Circuito LCR
Utilizzato per esperimenti con circuiti e filtri risonanti.
I componenti sono stati scelti per illustrare chiaramente le diverse caratteristiche.
L’apparecchio contiene:
– Resistenze: 24,9 kΩ/ 1,0 kΩ /1,0 kΩ (1%)
– Induttori (bobine): 4,7 mH / 1,8 mH (5%)
– Condensatori: 2,2 nF / 1,0 nF (1%).
Collegamenti a banana da 4 mm
Questo modulo permette un vasto assortimento di esperienze sui circuiti RC, risonanza ed LCR con manualistica in lingua inglese:
RC Low-pass filters (136310-EN)
The behaviour of simple RC low-pass filters is investigated by measuring of frequency response and step response. Grade: 12+
RC High-pass filters (136320-EN)
The behaviour of simple RC high-pass filters is investigated by measuring of frequency response and step response. Grade: 12+
Resonant circuits – measuring inductance (136330-EN)
By measuring resonance frequencies, coil inductance can be calculated. We work with two single coils, as well as series and parallel connections. Grade: 12+
LCR Band-pass and band-stop filters (136340-EN)
The behaviour of LCR band-pass and band-stop filters are studied by measuring of frequency response. Grade: 12+
LCR Low-pass filters (136350-EN)
The behaviour of LCR low-pass filters are studied by measuring the frequency response and step response. Grade: 12+